I was swept away,he said, and I imaginedthe size of the broomthat could gather me upas if I were so much dust,which I am. I imaginedwhose great handwould wield that broom.And what else mightget caught up in that sweep?And would I feel joy, or sheer terror,or both, as I was whiskedfrom the world I know?I […]
It’s like when the ice floemoves through the river bedripping out any icewinter has set, untilthe whole channel isroil and rush and wildupheaval. I rememberwhat that was likeafter he died—when hours, days,whole months, werestripped of all skinand all that was leftwas the naked, beating heart.I thought that was what it meantto be stripped, but then,I […]
I would like to receive direct trainingfrom my cat in which I learn to move slowlyfrom room to room in search of pools of sunlight,learn to immerse myself in a new rhythmthat has everything to do with darkness and warmthand nothing at all to do with a clock. And purr about it.Purr because purring feels […]
has a double-hung window inside it,the kind that allows you to let ina little more air when you feel as if youcan’t breathe. Sometimes, seeing through ithelps you find a new way to frame the world.Sometimes it makes it easierto feel as if there’s distancebetween you and what the poem says,as if you’re on the […]
There’s the giddy gratefulness that sparkleslike morning sun on the river and the peacefulgratefulness that soothes like warm wind.There’s the gratefulness that almost hurtsas it squeezes tight around the heart,the gratefulness that arrives quiet as cat’s pawsin the night, and the gratefulness that thrumsand swirls in us as if we’re a sky full of starlings.Sometimes […]
I’m sorry. I thought banishing youwas the way to become better,more perfect, more good, more free.The irony: I thought if I cut you offand cast you out, if I built the wallshigh enough, then the parts left would bemore whole. As if the sweet orangedoesn’t need the toughened rind,the bitter seed. As if the forestdoesn’t […]
The Mystery of Grief: Writing into the LossDecember 4, 20247-9pm ET, 6-8pm CT, 5-7pm MT and 4-6pm PTZoom, recorded$15, scholarships available When we lose loved ones, writing can be a powerful tool for helping us remember them, helping us re-encounter the world without them, and helping us re-know ourselves as the loss transforms us. In […]
But nowwhat can I dobut marvelas hope growslike a seedwithout soil,putting downroots despitelack. And isn’tthat what hopeis—a sproutthat growswhen conditionsare poor,as if to provethat sometimespotentialdepends lesson whatsurrounds us,more on whatis livingthrough us.