‘Holding Your Heart’ performed by Ars Nova Singers

by rosemerryt@gmail.com

One of the great joys in my life has been having poems transformed into choral music thanks to the SHARED VISIONS program hosted by the incredible Ars Nova Singers, led by Tom Morgan. This past year one of my poems was set to music by the Raul Dominguez. The piece, copied below, was inspired by art from Chris DeKnikker Fine Art. And you can listen to the performance in Boulder last summer this video!! Thank you to every singer and person who helped make this happen.

I want to trace the rings of your heart
the way I would trace tree rings—
not to count them
but to honor each season of you.
I want to touch my fingertips
to your scars, want to learn
your heart’s stories, find clues
of how you became who you are.
I want to press my palms
to your heart and praise
how it is we grow,
even in disaster, even in drought,
want to praise the dark center,
the time-thick bark, the record
of the ordinary days. I want
to chart the thin slivers of your wounds
and let my hands speak love,
want to tell you in a language
of quiet touch, I see you.

—Holding Your Heart, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer