‘Preludes to Praise’ video brings ‘The Unfolding,’ art, and music together

by rosemerryt@gmail.com

Please enjoy this wonderful video of the pre-opening for The Unfolding with transporting piano music and artwork. It’s a multi-sensory synaesthetic experience for the four words I made up for kinds of praise in The Unfolding.

Together with dear friends piano musician Kayleen Asbo and artist Johanna Baruch, we created this program in hope that it might be a light in the darkness, especially for those who are in the throes of grief.

Our ultimate dream is to perform an expanded version of our “synesthesia tapestry” of poetry, art and music to be live-streamed at a sacred space like Grace Cathedral in San Francisco (seen above). Kayleen will be working on composing “responsories”: musical chants to be sung by the audience with lyrics drawn from Rosemerry’s poems to create a new kind of sacred liturgy that might cradle every one who comes to the event with tender compassion, no matter what religious tradition they may come from.

We are so grateful for the $2000+ donations, almost half of what we will need to create an album of spoken word and music! We will be pairing the recording with Johanna’s stunning artwork in a professional video recording we will release on YouTube.

If you would like to help us make any of these dreams a reality, click here to donate to our Go Fund Me page. We would LOVE your help finding a venue to open their doors to us for this event and a videographer who might believe in this project, too.