All the Fun’s in How You Say a Thing: Reading at Bluecorn in Montrose, CO
All the Fun’s in How You Say a Thing: a lively presentation with Poetry, Music and Conversation
Come discover how the arts enrich our lives and can change our perspectives at Bluecorn Cafe & Mercantile in Montrose 1842 Townsend Ave
The unforgettable Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer of Placerville, poet, singer and teacher who co-hosts Emerging Form (a podcast on creative process), and Secret Agents of Change. Rosemerry’s poems have appeared on A Prairie Home Companion, PBS News Hour, O Magazine, American Life in Poetry, on stage at Carnegie Hall, and on river rocks she leaves around town. Her many books are available where books are sold. Find her daily poems on her blog, A Hundred Falling Veils
Folksinger, poet, translator, hay-hand, fruit-fly, gardener, and ex-physicist, the marvelous Ben Bentele of Paonia. Ben likes to play somewhere between American Folk & Persian Classical, birdsong & streamflow, poetry & play in order to bring chaos to form & order into chaos. Ben draws from a deep well of creativity across the arts.
Hosted by Western Slope Poet Laureate, Wendy Videlock of Palisade. Wendy writes a newspaper column for the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel and the Gunny Times and hosts GET LIT Radio on KAFM. Her poems and essays appear widely, most notably in Best American Poetry, The New York Times, Hudson Review and Poetry Magazine. Her books are available where books are sold and her visual art appears in galleries across the Grand Valley.
2 – 3:30 pm Sunday, November 5
Sponsored by WSPLA & Trickster Ridge Presentations