Corazon de Trinidad Poetry Festival
Rosemerry and her partner in poetry Art Goodtimes share workshops and the main stage at this popular Colorado festival, online this year. Lots of great programming, all online, free!
2:15-3:15 Write What You Don’t Know: A workshop for flexing curiosity
Facilitated by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Art Goodtimes
Most writing advice is meant to be dismantled, and in this workshop, we take on the adage “Write what you know.” Really? If we are to serve the writing, we must let it know more than we do. Join poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer in letting curiosity and uncertainty drive our writing into fresh, resonant new regions—places we couldn’t possibly predict.
4:00-5:00 The Gourd Circle:
Facilitated by Art Goodtimes and Rosemerry Wahtolla Trommer
Art and Rosemerry will open the circle and pass the gourd. Each person is given a chance to read a poem, tell a story, share a heart song or talk about their takeaways from the event. Only the person with the gourd speaks and everyone else holds a respectful silence. It is in reality an exercise in listening, with a democratic opportunity for everyone to speak (or not) as they choose.
6:30- 7:45 Evening Reading featuring two Poet Laureates of The Western Slope
Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Art Goodtimes
for information or to register (must be registered) visit https://www.corazondetrinidad.org/2021-trinidad-poetry-festival