Love, Sex, Death and Everything: A Creativity Playshop with Gustav Klimt
More than perhaps any other painter, Gustav Klimt was a fearless explorer of what lurks in the depths of humanity. In an era rampant with repression, denial and surface prettiness, Klimt’s commitment to facing the truth of mortality and all of the inner forces that drive us made him a hero–and a villain– for Viennese society at the turn of the 20th century. With unfettered passion, he conveyed the tensions of terror and beauty, innocence and despair held together in a way that allows us to recognize our shared experience on this mortal plane.
Music, mythology, and poetry form the foundation of Klimt’s greatest works
Klimt’s life and work illuminate a pathway of both creative inspiration and psychological insight. While the golden paintings of “The Kiss” and “Portrait of Adele Block Bauer” are cherished and celebrated the world over, few people know of the way that Klimt’s work from his earliest days was shaped by his profound engagement with music, mythology and poetry.
In this three-week class, each two-hour class will begin with a deep Jungian-oriented dive into the music and myths that lie behind Klimt’s iconic images with cultural historian Kayleen Asbo. Renowned poet and writing teacher Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer will follow, guiding you into your own creative writing practice as we listen to the very music that inspired Klimt. Each class will end with a time for group sharing and interaction. Every class will be recorded for later viewing as well.
Tuition is available on a sliding scale, with Early Bird rates in effect until October 31.
Please plan to attend all three weeks. Recordings will be available.
To register, visit here.