Secret Agents of Change: Mission Ridiculous Courage
This has been a hard time in the world for so many people. We are grateful for this opportunity to be a force for good.
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Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Sherry Richert Belul invite you to participate in very important mission on Thursday, June 9th.
In case you are brand new to our circle, we’re a group of people who aim to spread surreptitious joy and kindness in playful and unexpected ways.Â
One of the twists of what we do is that our missions are always based on one of Rosemerry’s poems. AND, even those these are secret missions, we do spill the (happy) beans together in our Facebook Group after the operation is complete!
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Thursday, June 9th is not a holiday of any sort, as far as we know. We just missed YOU and we also feel intuitively like the world could use some of your special brand of kindness.
Rosemerry and Sherry would like to invite you to a mission in which we get to find creative (and stealthy) ways to express love — perhaps in some unexpected places.
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This week’s mission is called Operation Ridiculous Courage!Â
Here’s how it works: Rosemerry shares a poem and Sherry offers a simple, easy-to-execute, hopefully-enjoyable prompt to send you out into the day with purpose and love — and a bit of creativity, too.
There are two ways to participate in our June 9th mission:Â
1. Join Live when we announce the mission!Â
Join a live Zoom call with Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Sherry on Thursday morning, 6/9/22, from 8-9am PDT (9-10am MDT, 10-11am CDT, and 11-12pm EDT) and we’ll not only hear Rosemerry’s poem and announce the mission, but we will also have some time to connect and share ideas.
(Think of it like a Secret Agent Social Club!)
Please join us live if you can; we’d love to see your beautiful Secret Agent faces and feel your stealthy, loving, ninja awesome agent energy while we are on live.
(Or, if you prefer to join audio-only or lurking-only, those are just fine, too!)
2. Join via Replay!Â
We will post the prompt in our Secret Agents Facebook Group. You can participate anytime on Monday.
No matter which way you participate, you’ll report back in our Facebook Group at the end of the day to let us know how your mission went.
You matter!
Your participation is important to us!
We LOVE your stories of missions-accomplished.
We love the good news feel of your reports.Â
No matter which way you choose to participate, we love you and honor you!
Gratefully your Spymasters,
Rosemerry and Sherry
🔎 PPS: If you have friends whom you think would enjoy these kinds of missions, please have them sign up here. The more the merrier! We will notify everyone via email when the next Operation launches!
Also, make sure you give your friends the Zoom link or send them to our Facebook group if they want to join in this week’s mission! (We can’t post the Zoom link due to Zoom-Bombers. They’re a real thing!)