The Heart of Higher Education
A three-day virtual event, including time with Parker Palmer, Laura Rendón, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and an optional one-day small group experience.
We live in a changed world. Now is the time for nimble and creative educational approaches of skill and heart. In this virtual gathering of educators we will explore the challenges of creating effective learning opportunities in the midst of pandemics—the world, society, and the heart—while remaining faithful to the deep roots of human learning and growth. We invite you to join with other educators and leaders in naming core personal and professional callings with integrity, nurturing and caring for the hearts of others with fidelity, and faithfully acting to transform education that is worthy of the human heart and not limited by measures of effectiveness. While the event is designed for all who work in higher education, we also welcome anyone who considers themselves an educator. Parker J. Palmer will join us in this time of inner reflection and outer commitment to cultivating a renewed vision of education.
We are also aware that funding for professional development during the pandemic and post pandemic may be limited. We are working to keep costs low and to provide scholarship assistance to include as many interested educational professionals as possible.
Participants Will Be Invited to:
- Name the core and rootedness of their calling to learn, educate and serve others.
- Explore ways to value faithfulness and humans above measures, while supporting institutions, others and self.
- Take heart that the roots of transformation are deep and reliable.
- Connect and sustain the inner life and outer work by holding tensions creatively.
Details and Registration:
- Wednesday, June 16 – Friday, June 18
9:00 am- 12:30 pm Mountain Time, USA - To convert to your Time Zone- https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/
- Saturday, June 19- Small Group experience (optional)
Groups and Timeframes for Saturday sessions will be developed based on preferences by those who register for this option. The goal will be to focus on how to carry forward this work in particular settings. - Costs:
Registration Fees:Retreat/Conference – $175 total cost for three days (3.5 hours per day)
Post-Retreat (Saturday, June 19) Small Group conversation – $25
Early-Bird Registration Date and Reduced Fee – Registration complete by Friday, April 23 – $125 for three day event - You can help us provide scholarships by registering for the full registration rate, even during the early bird period. Thank you for considering this partnership with us.
- Some scholarships are available. Please email Paula Adamo (Paula.adamo@du.edu)
- Registrations closes June 11, 2021, midnight ET USA
“If higher education is to keep evolving toward its full potential, it needs people who are so devoted to the educational enterprise that they have a lover’s quarrel with the institution whenever they see it fall short of its potential – and are willing to translate that quarrel into positive action.”
Parker J. Palmer, in: The Heart of Higher Education: A Call to Renewal
Transforming the Academy through Collegial Conversations.
To register, click HERE.
For more information about the 2021 event,
please contact Sharee Fowler (sharee.fowler@salem.edu)
or Paul Michalec (paul.michalec@du.edu)