Home all the places, all the dates - Word Woman Writing the Body: A Poetry Playshop

Writing the Body: A Poetry Playshop

We can have so many complex feelings about our bodies – love, joy, fear, appreciation, disgust, grief, resignation. Our relationships with our bodies are rich and multi-faceted! There are the things we treasure – what our bodies experience, hold, and do. There are the ways our bodies just are – this temporary house for the soul. And there are our bodies themselves – their frailty, strength, and the ways they hold and shape our lives.

Join us for a one-day, online writing retreat where we’ll use meditation, mindfulness, and poetry to learn, share and write our way into a more generous, deeper connection with our bodies. What might our bodies have to share with us? How might they want to meet us? How might we want to meet them? Together, we’ll explore this rich mystery.

We’ll be meeting on zoom on Tuesday, September 24th from 8 am-3 pm PST/9 am-4 pm MST/10 am-5 pm CST/11 am-6 pm EST time. We offer three payment options: $125, $150 or $175 USD. The retreat is limited to 20 participants.

Learn more and sign up here: https://growinghumankindness.com/writing-the-body/


Sep 24 2024


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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Growing human (kind)ness