I have a poem featured in Coffee Poems, a fabulous new collection about America’s favorite drink. Also featuring Dorianne Laux, Ellen Bass, Joseph Millar, Alicia Ostriker.
Coffee Poems contains 167 richly-roasted, verbally aromatic poems by poets from 34 states, 5 provinces, and 12 countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, France, Ghana, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Singapore, Spain, and the United States.
Included among the 139 poets who give voice to these poems are Ellen Bass, Margo Berdeshevsky, Joel Brouwer, Barbara Crooker, Kwame Dawes, Stephen Dobyns, Mart n Espada, Dorianne Laux, Joseph Millar, Alicia Ostriker, Francesca Pellegrino, Alberto lvaro R os, Care Santos, Vivian Shipley, Michael Waters, and Cecilia Woloch.
Whether central to the poem or sitting on a side table, a mere accessory; whether a prop in an internal conversation with a you absent these 25 years or a desperately needed substance without which there is no facing the day, a cup of coffee inhabits each of these poems…Breathe in the scent and may it keep you awake.